Thursday 27 March 2014


The plan for our location was very simple, as shown by our storyboard. All we needed was a table and a chair in a dark area for our character to work at.


After we created our storyboard, we realised that we should think about what props we will need for our film opening.

We thought about using the same gloves as we used for the previous pictures to express how poor our character is. The rips in the gloves emphasise how poor the character is as he may not be able to afford new gloves.

We also used a lot of school books to suggest how much he is working which is a theme in our film as it is the work that gets him stressed out. The books are all piled up on top of each other to suggest that he has a lot to do and that he needs to do much more. 

For additional effect, we used a syringe and a pair of scissors. The syringe was to show that the character in our opening sequence is a drug addict. This is because he is very poor and uses drugs to suppress his emotion as he has a bad past. The scissors were used to suggest danger which is a theme in the horror genre.

Friday 28 February 2014



After we created our storyboard, we realised that there is no need for a script as our actor, Jesse Cole, will not need to talk. The opening sequence will only consist of action over a horror themed soundtrack This is because the opening sequence will fit the genre more if it was much more sinister and mysterious.


Tuesday 28 January 2014

Horror Codes and Conventions

As we decided to make a film in the horror genre, we relised that we needed tp fit the codes and conventions of that particular genre. That consists of making the film scary for the viewers with a storyline that is interesting and has enough action to keep the viewer satisfied.

The horror genre usually consists of darkness which is a common theme in nearly all horror films such as the film The Conjuring which filmed its whole opening sequence in black and white. Darkness is a common theme in the horror genre as it is often associated with mystery and often death. Another theme in the genre is suspense which is a key part in making the genre interesting as the audience needs to have an interest in what will happen to the character.

This made us decide that our opening sequence will need to consist of a lot of mystery to get the viewers attention and make them want to know what happens to the character a the film goes a long. We also decided that our opening sequence will need to consist of a lot of darkness to make sure that it fits in the genre of horror correctly.

Friday 24 January 2014

Character Profile

As our opening sequence consists of only one character he would feature in the sequence quite a lot. Our actor Jesse Cole is playing the role of an African immigrant who is living in the UK struggling with dealing with his past demons. This is shown by him getting possesed on a number of occasions making him seem insane. As the opening sequence goes along, the character becomes more and more insane.

Jesse Cole was suitable for the role as we needed a young, black male who can act as a poor immigrant. The role was fulfilled just as we planned as all we needed was him to act insanely. The majority of the opening sequence he will be sitting so his costume was not much of an issue. However, we made sure that he wasn't dressed in any designer brands as we needed him to look poor.

Photos to show representation and props

 This is a photo of Mustafa looking like a homeless person as shown by the way he is lying on the stairs. The fact that he has no shoes also shows how poor the man is. This gives the meaning that he is really poor and cannot last on his own.
 This is a photo of Mustafa opening a door with his ripped gloves. This emphasises how poor the man is as his gloves are ripped and he may not have the money to buy newer gloves. The picture also shows how he is black and this may be because he migrated to the country.

Our Character Representation

For our film opening we have chosen Jesse Cole, a performing arts student, to act as our main character. This is because he fitted the role of an African young adult. As he is black our film opening will seem more realistic as he is an immigrant from Africa living in the United Kingdom. The stereotypes that surround African immigrants are usually negative and often involve crime which we have considered in our film opening as our character has had a bad past in Africa and is in the UK looking for a better future. As our character is poor, he will wear cheap clothing and will generally have an unkempt look.
Jesse Cole as Robert Toure

Powerpoint on our Film Opening

Thursday 23 January 2014

Existing Title Sequence Analysis

The Conjuring

For our coursework we decided to create a title sequence for a horror film. Therefore, we saw it fit to research title sequences of a similar genre.
The Conjuring Title Sequence -
We found this title sequence interesting as it consisted of no live action but it used newspaper cuttings and photographs to show who played each character and the production roles.